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Would Brian be willing to minister at my weekly gathering?

Absolutely! We consider it a great privilege to be asked to serve you! No group is too small or too big. Brian is also willing to minister at any of your other events as well, whether it'd be a conference or retreat.

How much does it cost to invite Brian to minister?

Although an offering is always welcomed, it isn't expected or required. The gospel is free and we intend to keep it that way. We would never want a fee or expected honorarium to prevent groups from inviting Faith Like Birds to minister at their event or meeting.

What can I expect to happen if I invite Brian to minister?

Because Brian places such a heavy emphasis on the importance of encountering God, it's very common for those in attendance to encounter the power of the Holy Spirit in life transforming ways. These encounters generally result in deliverance from oppression, physical and emotional healings, and being filled with the Spirit. Brian believes the gospel is something that should be both heard and experienced. Because Brian also places heavy emphasis on the importance of a person surrendering their life to the Lord, his meetings are also characterized by moments where people are invited to respond to what it is they experienced.

What topics does Brian typically address?

Because Brian's own journey and story relates to so many of the struggles that plague teens and young adults today, he often ministers out of his own testimony and experiences with God. As a result, it's common for Brian to minister on the following topics:


  • ​the need to experience the love of God

  • finding freedom and deliverance from lies, addictions, oppression, and the pain of the past through the truth of God's word and power of the Holy Spirit

  • being filled with the Holy Spirit

  • choosing to live surrendered before the Lord

Is FLB affiliated with any other ministry?

Yes. Because Brian served as a full time pastor at Praise Community Church for 10 years and because he continues to attend there with his family, FLB is currently headquartered at Praise. Because Brian believes it's important for itinerant ministries and ministers to be connected to the local church and to come under the authority of senior leadership, Brian has chosen to remain accountable to his senior pastor and local body of believers.

How can I give to FLB?

Your donation is both appreciated and quite simple to make! Whether it's a recurring donation or one time donation, we appreciate your willingness to partner with us! Please visit our Donate page to see the different user friendly options you can take advantage of.

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