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Deep Calls Out to Deep

I want to be possessed by God.

I want to be completely overwhelmed by Him.

I want to walk in the constant consciousness of His presence.

I want to know Him more.

And I want to be like Him in every single way.

To be honest, the only thing that makes sense to me any more is hunger.

I’m hungry for Him.

I thirst for Him.


He’s the one I want.

It’s His attitude and the way He is that I crave and desire to be formed in me.

There is no one and no thing in this life that I long for more than Him.

In fact, when we hunger and thirst for anything less than Him and His righteousness, we will never be satisfied (see Matthew 5:6).

Satisfaction only comes when we desire the One that satisfies every single need.

It’s the dissatisfied — those that hate their own lives (John 12:25) and want nothing to do with what the world offers — that will be satisfied.

With every fiber of my being, I sense a great divorce coming between the people of God and the world.

More and more I feel like we are entering into a much greater consecration than any of us have ever experienced.

I see the people of God in total abandonment before Him.

I hear the cries of those that have bid the world farewell and are pledging their entire being to the Lord.

O, dear reader, I see such a great dissatisfaction over the current state of things and a hunger for more rising up in God’s people.

There truly is a deep that has begun to cry out to deep (Psalm 42:7).

There is a people… I feel it in my bones… that want the breakers and waves of God to wash over them.

They want to get lost in Him.

They want to be submerged in Him.

They want to be plunged into Him.

And nothing else will satisfy them but the One they long for.

This is bridal preparation.

This is a people that are making themselves ready through their longing.

They are turning their backs to the world and are letting go of the sin that so easily tries to entangle them by fixing their eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-2).

As a result, the deep that cries out to Him will be satisfied by the deep in Him.

Deep workings are preceded by deep longings.

Deep thirst creates space for deep habitation.

A soul can only thirst for the living God when it concludes that it is and has nothing apart from God.

The gateway to more is and always will be poverty of spirit.

The kingdom belongs to such people (Matthew 5:3).

The Holy Spirit, the one in whom the kingdom is found, is attracted to such people.

For a little more than a year now, I’ve hungered and I’ve thirsted for more of the Holy Spirit, and it hasn’t gotten any better!

The yearning is still there.

And I believe it’s beginning to rise up inside the Lord’s people.

- Brian Connolly, Faith Like Birds Ministries


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