How we choose to see matters.
The perspective we hold determines whether or not our inner being is flooded with light or with darkness (see Matthew 6:22-23).
In other words, the way I see a thing will determine how I relate to it.
The lens I choose to put on, or the eye I see through, dictates what I allow within myself.
Perspective is a gateway to the soul.
Because David had the awareness that there was no where he could go to escape the Lord’s presence, he was unaffected by the darkness that sought to overwhelm him (see Psalm 139:7-12).
He was more conscious of God’s presence than he was of the weapon formed against him.
He possessed the revelation that even the darkness is not dark to God.
Because God is light, the night is as bright as the day!
When God is in the midst of something, there is no difference between night and day.
They are the same.
And when I choose to live in the awareness of God’s presence, the night is like day.
Although it would appear that the world is getting dark and that certain situations seem dire, it is possible to see all that is happening through a better prescription.
Make no mistake… midnight is upon us.
And how we choose to view this time will determine how we relate to it.
Midnight is the darkest time of the day.
But it also marks the start of a new one.
I will either choose to focus on the darkness that wants to envelop me, or I will choose to see the new thing God is getting ready to do.
I will either allow my inner state to be determined by what I read and hear about by way of the media and news outlets, or I will find hope and comfort in the fact that God has promised to pour out His Spirit in greater measures.
By the time you read this, November 3rd will have come and gone.
The election will more than likely have already been determined and we will have already known who our next president will be.
And with this news, darkness will seek to increase and steal our gaze.
The enemy will seek to increase the division so many of us have already experienced and felt.
Despair and depression will set in for many.
No matter what the outcome is, I will not deviate course.
I will continue to cry out for what I believe God is inviting us into.
I will choose to fix my eyes upon Him — the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire.
I will make Him my hope and desire.
He alone is my answer.
It’s in Him that I live and move and have my being.
He is the one who has promised to give to me what I long for — the Holy Spirit.
What else could we possibly ask for but Him?
What else could we possibly need but Him?
Without Him, I have nothing to offer anyone.
The person I want to be and the way I want to live is found in Him.
He is the one who changes me.
He is the one who carries the awareness of God that I want to have grip me.
He is the one who emboldens people and turns the cowardly into lions.
He is the one who empowers us to be a witness for Jesus.
He is the one who comforts in the midst of persecution.
And He is the one the church must persevere in asking, seeking, and knocking for.
His presence is and always will be our greatest need.
Now more than ever in human history, we need to lay hold of the promise of the Father.
- Brian Connolly, Faith Like Birds
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