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Faith Like Birds | Part XVI

Where you fix your eyes matters.

My wife and I are putting new floors in the first floor of our home. Needless to say, it’s reminiscent of a war zone at the moment.

Furniture is out of place.

Materials and tools adorn would be walkways.

And in spite of these facts, I was bravely trying to navigate my way around all of the said obstacles with my nose buried in my phone.

My left ankle was the first to feel the brunt of my inattention. I nearly cut it open as it brushed up against jagged pieces of the vinyl floor we are putting in.

My forehead incurred a hanging light fixture that sent the light teetering and tottering like a toddler on a schoolyard swing.

Before I could moan, groan, or utter something in frustration, I instantly heard a voice say, “Where are you looking?”

It’s difficult to be angered over what is blatantly an error on your part.

The flooring and light weren’t responsible for my injuries. My lapse in judgment was to blame.

I didn’t look where I was going. I was neck deep in viewing what doesn’t matter most in life.

The cares, anxieties and distractions of this world are always competing for our gaze.

Whenever I choose to not keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, I am susceptible to getting entangled in a web of lies and bad decisions.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. — Hebrews 12:1-2

What you stare at has the ability to talk to you.

Sometimes you hear with your eyes and see with your ears.

Faith comes by hearing, after all (Romans 10:17).

If all you stare at is what’s wrong with you or how far you have yet to go or all the negative

circumstances that surround you, the enemy will have plenty to say about such things.

The Christian life is not lived by navel gazing. It’s lived by looking into the face of the One who has already finished.

He is our example.

Every encumbrance and every sin is overcome not by your effort, but by what has your eyes.

The more enamored we are with Him, the freer we will be.

Looking down at yourself never fixed anything.

This is why He is referred to as ‘the lifter of our head.’ (see Psalm 3:3).

He wants to get your eyes off of what doesn’t matter most and fix them on what does.

Shame will always hang your head. Love will always cause you look upon the One who has won your heart.

Do yourself a favor today. Just pause… Just pause and think about how lovely He is and in the stillness of your heart, make contact with Him.

Look into His face and watch self-effort disappear.

That’s where freedom resides.

- Brian Connolly, Faith Like Birds Ministries

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Isabella Novak
Isabella Novak
30 mag 2022

Greaat read thanks

Mi piace
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